【同义词辨析】 2020-07-14 痛苦distress-agony

distress: implies an external cause of great physical or mental strain and stress and is likely to connote the possibility of or the need for relief: news of the hurricane put everyone in great ~.   strainstress泛指使物体变形的压力或张力,是2020-04-23 压力stress-tension的前两个词           又如I didn't mean to distress you我没想让你难过,如please don't distress yourself请节哀,the bad news distressed us坏消息让我们很难过表示船只遇险,如a distress call遇险呼救,a ship/baby in distress船只遇险/婴儿呼吸困难      

suffering: impiles conscious endurance of pain or distress and often a stoical acceptance: the ~ of earthquake victims.     (stoic坚忍implies indifference to pleasures, and especially to pains指不以痛苦为意,如remained resolutely stoic even in the face of adversity面对逆境,坚定坚忍)         accept接受,这里表示被动接受

misery: stresses the unhappiness attending distress or suffering and often connotes sordidness, abjectness, or dull passivity: the poor live in ~ every day.   abject低贱sordid肮脏passive被动消极        雨果Hugo在《悲惨世界Les Miserables》中控诉了法国大革命时期的社会,试图找出人们悲惨生活的根源,找到摆脱悲惨生活的道路。他认为有人是良心的奴隶,有人是欲望的奴隶,有人是法律规则的奴隶,我们必须同时兼顾这三点,找到合理的比例,就能得到满足和幸福

agony: suggests pain too intense to be borne by body or mind: in ~ over their daughter's suicide.   agony表示临死的痛苦the final stages of a difficult or painful death,如his last agony临终前的痛苦/the death agony临死的痛苦;还引申为极度痛苦,如he was in an agony of remorse他处于极度悔恨之中,如新4第60篇提到死刑犯的精神痛苦mental agony,如本例女儿自杀带来的极度痛苦,所有表示痛苦的词中,这个词程度最重)

distress压力痛苦: 指来自外部的巨大的身心压力,需要缓解,suffering痛苦折磨苦难: 表示须忍受压力痛苦,misery悲惨: 强调带来的不幸,常暗示低贱肮脏被动,agony极度痛苦: 表示剧烈到无法忍受

记忆方法: 1)首字母DSMA想成疯人mads<==痛苦

        2)痛苦的意思是身处痛苦烦恼mean the state of being in great trouble or in pain of body or mind.